Upcoming Webinars

Monthly, 1-hour Zoom presentations,
LIVE with a Kennari consultant.

Discuss best practices, the latest research, and new strategies of nonprofit fundraising.  

Live webinars conclude with a Q&A component with the consultant and other participants.

Major Gifts Toolbox: Best Practices for Every Budget and Team Size

October 31, 2024 · 9:30AM ET

Major gifts are a critical component of any organization’s annual giving program. But securing major gifts can be challenging, especially for organizations with limited budgets and small teams.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss how to build a successful major gifts program, regardless of your budget or team size. Key takeaways:

  • How to identify and cultivate major donor prospects
  • How to build relationships with major donors
  • How to solicit major gifts effectively
  • Tips for managing the major gifts pipeline and keeping your annual major gifts strong through a capital campaign


Tools you’ll receive:

  • Top Prospects Template
  • Cultivation Worksheet
  • Sample Major Donor Program

Annual Giving Planning: The Key to Staying Organized and on Track

November 21, 2024 · 1PM ET

Do you feel like you’re constantly juggling too many balls when it comes to your fundraising communications? Are you struggling to keep track of all the different tasks and deadlines? If so, you’re not alone.

But there is a solution: a communications calendar. This simple but effective tool that can help you plan, organize, and execute your communications more effectively.

In this webinar, we’ll address:

  • What a communications calendar is and why it’s important
  • How to create your own communications calendar
  • Themes, audiences, and segmenting help
  • Tips and best practices for using communications calendars

By the end of this webinar, you’ll have the knowledge and tools you need to create and use a communications calendar that will help you stay organized and on track.

Dollars and Sense: Understanding Appropriations

December 17, 2024 · 11:30AM ET

This webinar will provide attendees with a understanding of Federal Appropriations and Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS). We will explore the history, processes, and best practices associated with CDS, as well as discuss its potential benefits and challenges.

Key takeaways include:

  • Understanding the basics of the Appropriations Process and CDS
  • Learning about the processes involved in securing these types of funding
  • Identifying best practices for submitting requests
  • Evaluating the potential benefits and challenges of pursuing public funds
  • Insights from real-world case studies